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Viktoriia Voloboeva
PhD Students
I am a graduate of the Russian State Agrarian University - MTAA (Moscow) with a Master's degree in Agronomy and a concentration in Plant Physiology (2014-2020). During the master's program, I was an exchange student at the Horticultural science faculty at Szent Istvan University (Budapest). After the exchange program, I joined the PlantLAb as a trainee. My scientific journey continued by entering the PhD program in Agrobiodiversity at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in 2020.
I am studying how plant meristem niches maintain low oxygen. My interests are based on the use of a large number of molecular biology techniques, as well as the oxygen microsensors, the confocal microscopy to investigate the causes of inducing hypoxia in the meristems. Identification of the mechanisms of maintaining chronic hypoxia in root and shoot niches will help determine the catabolic pathways of maintaining the production of large amounts of energy for active proliferation.