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Rocco Pierpaolo Germano
PhD Students
I did my BSc and MSc in Science in Agriculture at university of Pisa (2012-2018). In 2015 and 2017, I did my internship and my thesis project at CREA Council for Research in Agriculture and the Analysis of Agricultural in Pescia (PT) where I investigated the water salinity level tolerated by the basil plants growth in hydroponic system and the possibility of reducing phosphorus concentration in nutrient solution.
In 2018, I did internship in image analysis at ALSIA – Research Center Metapontum Agrobios in Metaponto (MT) where I worked with 3D scanner (LemnaTec Lab Scanalyzer) to analyse the phenotyping of plants.
In 2018, I did internship in Valagro at Global R&D department. In 2019, I continued work in Valagro with another internship at Field Development, marketing department.
In 2019, I entered the PhD programme in Agrobiodiversity of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
- Increased phosphorus use efficiency in basil grown hydroponically with low phosphorus concentration and saline water. In Proceedings of the 3 Symposium on Horticulture in Europe 17-21 October 2016, Chania - Greece,
I am studying the hypoxia stress conditions in plant. My research activities rely on the studying mechanisms and effects of O2 decrease in plant.